September 2023 (17 years old)

I created a button that, when pressed, sends a notification to phones and computers. For computers with Windows, it can also scream "FOOD" when the notification comes. You can imagine what this is used for... It uses a rasberry pi zero w with ntfy and works even outside my network.

May 2023 (16 years old)

I bought a domain and created this website. I'm hosting it on github pages.

January 2023 (16 years old)

I have started a new page for notes for the Czech language. This is mainly for the maturita exam that we have to prepare for. The site is currently under construction. You can see it here: Zápisky Českého Jazyka. The source code is available on github.

June 2022 (16 years old)

I got an english certificate on C1 proficiency level (FCE with grade A).

October 2021 (15 years old)

I started learning C++ as I wanted to get low-level and also to start doing competitive programming on codeforces. You can see my progress on github

August 2021 (15 years old)

I transfered to a different school to focus on studying IT. I changed from the Christian Grammar School to the Secondary Technical School in Třebešín.

March-June 2021 (14 years old)

I started hosting a Minecraft server for my class. This involved learning port forwarding, some basic powershell scripting to ensure backups and coding using .mcfunction files. I coded an authorisation system and some quality of life updates for the server.

March-June 2020 (13 years old)

When Covid started to lock us up, I got my first job! I made a website for our class, so it's easier for them to learn online. It was much better than navigating through disorganised e-mails. The site was created using the "webnode" service. The site is still available today:

11 years old

First programming in the form of command blocks in Minecraft

July 2023 (17 years old)

I have created an app for ordering lunches at our school. It can order lunches from the icanteen system. The app is available to the public at

April 2023 (16 years old)

I was given a data entry task that I automated using Python. It took me about 30 hours to write the code instead of doing the data entry manually, which would take 100s of hours. The data came from both Excel spreadsheets and xml files, which I learned to parse and implement effectively in the current working system. Today it takes about an hour to make a single entry...

December 2022 (16 years old)

Me and my Friend got funding for a minecraft server which hosts a replica of our school. For that we needed some backend so that we can ensure safe building of the school by the community. We had to build it using Bedrock new experimental api because there were no plugins for the bedrock edition of minecraft. With that we also made it possible for public to take a look for themselves. You can visit the website or have a look at the source code.

September 2022 (16 years old)

I started working at dobest, which is a platform for teaching. So far I have taught programming in the C language and mathematics.

April 2022 (15 years old)

I got my Raspberry Pi and started learning Linux administration (Nginx, Apache, pi-hole, Docker, etc).

March-June 2021 (14 years old)

I learned touch typing with 10 fingers. Today my record is 87 WPM, with an average of 69 WPM. I also learned Vim, which greatly improved my typing performance.

July 2020 (14 years old)

I programmed a Tello drone in Python. I managed to control it with a keyboard. I also programmed some pre-defined routes for the Tello to follow and it was quite fun. Unfortunately, the code got lost over time.

January 2020 (13 years old)

I have started to learn the programming language python. After some time I even created a very simple game, which is still available on Github.

10 years old

I won a traffic competition for young cyclists and made it to the national level. Unfortunately I broke my leg and couldn't attend. I even got to TV! Watch it on youtube.